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1. Learning focuses on behaviour- improving or changing specific actions used to get results.

2. It has as its foundation the "Universal Laws"© of human behaviour and uses these laws to develop the philosophy of individual accountability.

3. It uses adult learning principles. It is structured for maximum individual participation, allows participants to use their own experiences and abilities, and is based on actual on-the-job needs.

4. It focuses on building self-confidence, leadership skills and problem-solving skills. It affects how supervisors and managers behave in difficult or challenging situations.

5. Its major objective is to transfer what is learned in the workshop directly to the job (on-the-job application). Proven techniques are used to ensure ongoing or "maintenance" of newly-learned skills.

6. The majority (80%) of workshop time is devoted to skill practice exercises and receiving immediate feedback. This is managed by an accredited facilitator.

7. The practice sessions involve relevant "on-the-job situations" which the participants establish themselves.

8. The immediate manager of the participating supervisor is directly involved in the total process, including attending his/her own special workshop sessions to learn mentor techniques and reinforcement skills.

9. The total learning process is systematically planned from front-end analysis through final evaluation and includes individual one-to-one coaching from the accredited facilitator.

10. The process is designed to reinforce management's expectations and to establish accountability at all levels for achieving the organisation's goals.

Our solution provides you an ongoing process of development which is at the heart of your business

PLP is for you, give us a call 01424 854466

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Interim Management
Technology (HRIS)


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"Thank you again for all your
help and support which
has been invaluable"

"Would recommend to others"

"Brings  business knowledge
and understanding"

"We will really miss you enormously"

"Really pushed us forward"

"Kept the whole group

"Enjoyable and informative"

"A massive thank you for
being imaginative with teaching"

"The techniques used will
ensure we remember"

"The trainer's style was
very helpful"

"Graham was very
approachable and built
my confidence"

"A day full of relevant &
important information"

"A miracle has been
achieved on this

"the project significantly
moved forward with
your help"

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Last modified: March 17, 2011
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